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Wingspan Board Game Review: a World of Stunning Birds

This Turned Me Into a Bird Watcher, beware!

Wingspan in my Kallax

Never in a million tweets would I have predicted that I would become my in-laws. I used to make fun of them. Not to their faces, of course, but man, those bird books, binoculars, and the whole "identifying bird songs by ear" thing? Totally for the elderly. Bird watching? Yuck! Fast forward to a random kayaking trip with my wife. There I am, mid-paddle, practically screeching, "Look amor, it's a blackbird!" How did I know that? Who am I turning into? Well, Wingspan happened. The realization happened. Wingspan isn't your average board game, and it is definitely not just for the elderly. 

Wingspan is designed by Elizabeth Hargrave and published by Stonemaier Games in 2019. This isn't your average board game. It's an invitation to become a wildlife researcher, a chance to build a vibrant sanctuary teeming with feathered friends. The base game is for 1-5 players. This competitive card-driven and engine-building game takes about 5 minutes to set up and about 15 minutes per player. 

Here is me trying to convince my bird that he is also in Wingspan. He was not convinced!

A Nest Egg of Components

Wingspan was our first Stonemaier game. The box is beautiful, the illustrations are stunning, and the components are top notch! I still won’t join the in-laws on bird-watching trips, and they won’t play Wingspan with me, but they love looking at the cards. The game has loads of strategy, but it’s an experience. From the moment you lift the lid, you are in for a treat. Here’s the list of components:

  • A Rulebook That Doesn't Make You Want to Tear Your Hair Out: Wingspan’s manual is clear and concise. There’s an automa rulebook if you ever want to try the game solo, and it has a play by play manual for your first time. Additionally, the rulebook has an appendix to help clarify any questions during the game. If you still need some help, the Watch It Played video is great! Of all the things I love about Stonemaier games, their iconographies in this game are probably one of my favorites. They are consistent and color-blind friendly.

  • Player Boards: are thick and have designated spots to welcome your new feathered buddies. The iconography is clear, so you know what you are getting after activating each of the three habitats (forest, grassland, and wetlands)

wingspan components
  • Bird Cards You Can Actually Hold: Each card features a bird illustration, its common name and scientific name, its preferred habitat, its cost, its point value, the type of nest it builds, the number of eggs it can hold, its wingspan, any special ability it brings to your sanctuary, its geographic range, and a fun fact.

  • Bonus cards that give you secret objectives to earn points at the end of the game

  • Dice tower: Wingspan has its own custom dice that live in a (wait for it) charming birdhouse dice tower. These dice determine what kind of food is available each round, adding a fun dose of chance to the game. We store the dice tower outside of the box as we’ve combined all expansions into it with some custom 3-d printed inserts. I keep debating if I should get or print a new dice tower, or if we should give in and buy the Wingspan Nesting Box.

  • Wingspan features five custom six-sided wooden dice. Each die phase depicts a different food source: fish, invertebrate, seed, rodent, berry, and a half seed and half invertebrate symbol, allowing you to choose which of those food type you wish to collect

  • Food Tokens You Can Almost Snack On: These colorful tokens represent the yummy stuff your birds need to survive. We're talking berries, invertebrate, fish, rodents, seed, and fish. 

  • Miniature Eggs? Yes! In different colors that can be added onto your eggs for payment during play and for an extra victory point at the end of the game

  • First player token

  • Plastic card tray: This tray holds your cards while the game is in the box but also during play. The top serves as the placeholder for the three face up cards during each round. Do note that if you sleeve your cards or buy expansions, all the cards do not fit in the plastic card trays

  • Goal card: that is double sided. One side for competition and one side for friendly awards. This card keeps track of which of the four rounds you are in. 

  • Goal tiles: that are also double sided for more variety. You place one at random on each of the four slots in the goal card

  • 8 Player cubes in five different colors. The purple one has 9 for automa (solo-play)

Taking Flight: Setup

Lay out the player boards, food tokens, eggs, cards, and the gorgeous bird feeder dice tower. Set out the goal card with a tile on each of the four sections. Shuffle the decks bird cards and deal a starting hand of five to each player. Give each player two bonus cards for which they keep one, and five unique food tokens. The players choose which cards they’d like to keep. For every card they keep, they return one of the five food tokens. Then, roll the dice, determine the first player, and you are ready to go!

How to Play

The game is played over four rounds for a total of 26 turns for each player. The first round has 8 turns, then a color cube per player is used for the goal tiles, and the second round has 7 turns, and so on. 

Each round is a delightful dance of attracting birds to your preserve. You'll play bird cards to different habitat sections on your board, each triggering unique actions:

  • Play a card

  • Forest –Gather Food

  • Wetlands –Lay Eggs

  • Grassland – Attract Birds

As you play bird cards to your habitats, you start creating a chain of combinations. Each bird offers special abilities that enhance your engine. Additionally, the more birds you have in one habitat the more food, eggs, or birds you can attract. 

The Enchanting Song of Victory

Wingspan is a race to build the most impressive wildlife preserve, measured by the points you score throughout the game. Points come from attracting a diverse range of birds, completing habitat collections, and laying eggs. But unlike some games, the competition feels friendly. You're each creating your own unique sanctuary, and while there's some interaction in terms of grabbing coveted food or specific bird cards, the focus is on building your own engine and witnessing the delightful ecosystem unfold on your board.

  • Attracting Birds: Each bird card boasts a point value, so strategically selecting birds with high point values and complementary abilities is key

  • Eggs: Don't forget about your nests! Laying eggs provides points, and some bird abilities can help you become a master egg-layer

The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the victor. Points are awarded from birds, eggs, bonus cards, end-of-round goals, cached food, and tucked birds.  In the case of a tie, the player with the most unused food tokens wins. If players are still tied, they share the victory. We don’t like that rule, so we do most eggs laid as the second tie breaker. And in the third, we use how many birds were laid. You can say that we are too competitive to share the victory when a game is not coop!

Wingspan's Soaring Mechanics: Key Features

Wingspan's charm goes beyond the beautiful birds and peaceful competition.

  • Engine Building: At its core, Wingspan is an engine-building game. As you attract birds to your preserve, they provide special abilities that enhance your gameplay. These abilities might allow you to generate more food, draw additional bird cards, or even lay more eggs. Over the course of the game, you'll create a chain of powerful combinations, watching your wildlife haven become more efficient and impressive.

  • Multiple Paths to Victory: There's no single way to dominate in Wingspan. You can focus on attracting a diverse range of birds, each with unique point values. Maybe you'll strive to complete habitat collections for bonus points. Or perhaps becoming a master egg-layer is your strategy (this one is me!!). This variety keeps the game fresh and allows players to tailor their approach based on the birds they encounter.

  • Gorgeous Bird Cards: Each bird card in Wingspan is a miniature masterpiece. The illustrations are stunningly detailed, bringing these feathered friends to life. Beyond the beauty, the cards are packed with information – the bird's name, habitat, and special ability are all clearly displayed. This not only enhances the gameplay experience but might even spark a real-life interest in birding!

  • Peaceful Competition: While there's some interaction in Wingspan, the focus is on building your own engine and creating your own flourishing sanctuary. You might compete for certain food dice rolls or coveted bird cards, but overall, the game fosters a relaxed and strategic atmosphere. It's perfect for a game night where you want to unwind and enjoy the beauty of the natural world.

Wingspan: A Nest Egg of Delight


  • Easy to Learn, Difficult to Master: The core mechanics are simple to grasp, making it perfect for beginners. But don't be fooled – strategic depth emerges as you build your engine and vie for the most prestigious preserve

  • Stunning Presentation: From the captivating bird illustrations to the charming components, this game is GORGEOUS!

  • High Replayability: With a vast pool of bird cards, every game offers a unique challenge and the chance to discover new feathered wonders.

  • Peaceful Competition: While there's some interaction, the focus is on building your own engine


  • Downtime Might Increase with Player Count: With more players, there can be some downtime as each person builds their preserve. This is somewhat resolved with “Flock Mode” in the Asia expansion

  • Might Not Be for Everyone: While the strategic depth is there, some players might crave a more cutthroat or interactive experience

Expanding Your Horizons: Wingspan's Enchanting Expansions

Wingspan's base game offers a delightful experience, but for those who crave even more avian adventures, the game has several captivating expansions to explore:

  • European Expansion: Take flight across the skies of Europe! This expansion introduces 81 new birds with exciting abilities, including 5 bonus cards, and 5 goal tiles that are double sided

  • Oceania Expansion: Venture Down Under and discover the wonders of Oceania's unique birdlife. This expansion features a new nectar resource that adds another layer of strategic depth. Additionally, you get 95 new bird cards, 4 double sided goal tiles, and 5 extra bonus cards. 

  • Asia Expansion: Embark on a journey to the vibrant ecosystems of Asia. This expansion offers the most content, introducing a whopping 90 new birds and a whopping 14 bonus cards. It also introduces a way to play "Flock Mode" that allows you to play with up to 7 players! But! It also introduces duet mode, which lets you play the game at two with a completely different twist. 

Choosing the Right Expansion:

With three expansions available, you might be wondering which one to choose first. Here's a quick tip:

  • For New Players: Stick with the base game for a while (we logged over 50 plays before venturing out to the next expansion) to fully grasp the core mechanics.

  • For Strategic Depth: The European Expansion (mostly to give your birds some variety) or Oceania Expansion! This one offers new challenges and strategic wrinkles without overwhelming new players.

  • For 2-player game fanatics (like myself), or For More Birds, More Players, and More Everything!: The Asia Expansion is the ultimate expansion, perfect for seasoned Wingspan fans or those who want the most content from the get-go. I enjoy this expansion the most at two-players. My favorite way to play is with my wife, and this expansion let’s us enjoy the game in a completely different light!

A Final Flight of Fancy

So spread your wings, embrace the challenge, and see what magnificent aviary you can create! Wingspan isn't just a game; it's an experience. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a curious newcomer, Wingspan is a must-try for anyone who enjoys strategic planning and beautiful themes.

If you're a fan of strategic gameplay but not particularly into birds, then Wyrmspan, a recently released game with a dragon theme, might be a great alternative.  While I haven't had a chance to play Wyrmspan yet, the core gameplay sounds very similar to Wingspan's focus on engine building and strategic resource management.  For those who crave a fantasy twist, Wyrmspan looks like a promising choice! If you end up giving Wyrmspan a try, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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