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What drives you bananas during game night?

A month ago, I posted the following forum post What drives you bananas during game night?

What drives you bananas during board game night?

My blog post wrote:

We all love game night! The laughter, the friendly competition, the strategic smackdown, the friendships that are formed. But let's be honest, sometimes our fellow players can push our buttons in ways that turn that happy game night into a teeth-grinding experience.

I had this revelation during game night Tuesday. I thought my biggest pet peeve was phone zombies – those players glued to their screens while the fate of the fictional world hangs in the balance. But then the floodgates opened, and I went into a tangent on the many things I do not like. Phubbing is just the tip of the iceberg.

What makes you want to flip the table? (Figuratively, I hope!) Is it the sore loser who declares the game "broken" after their first game? Maybe it's the quarterback who dictates every move, even when it's not their turn? Or perhaps it's the player who throws a tantrum when you target them in a game like Root, where a viciousness is expected!

We all have our quirks, but

what truly drives you bananas at game night?

Here is the updated list based on the replies:

  • The Phone Phantoms: We've all seen them – the players who disappear into their phones during the game, missing key moments and slowing everything down

  • The Salty Losers: No one likes to lose, but some players take it to a whole new level, blaming the game, saying X person always wins, or bad luck instead of tipping their hat to the winner

  • The Backseat Drivers (a.k.a. The Quarterback): These players can't resist telling everyone what to do, even when it's not their turn. It's helpful to offer advice when solicited, but COME ON!

  • The Rule Lawyers: We get it, the rules are important! But there's a time and a place for endless rule debates

  • The Card Folders: These people have a special place in hell, I hope. These players take a perfectly good card and fold them unnecessarily as they hold them. It's a small thing, but it is OH SO INFURIATING!!

  • The Aggressive AP (analysis paralysis) Players: They grind out the points math on every turn, turning a fun game into a slog.

  • The Time Wasters: Wasting time on setup and teardown. People that set up games after people show up and meticulously put games away instead of trying to play another game.

  • The Unprepared Teachers: People who aren’t ready to teach the rules to a game they brought or suggested. Nobody wants to sit there watching you read the rulebook and occasionally dole out setup instructions.

  • The Sore Winners: Playing against players who seem to have the power to win the first game of whatever they play, which is annoying despite knowing it’s not their fault. Or the players that rub their wins on everyone's face after EVERY SINGLE WIN!

  • The Disorganized Attendees: The one who organized a game night, then doesn’t turn up, or the player who shows up late, forcing a new game setup.

  • The Rude Players: Being around rude people who ruin the enjoyment of others is rare but YUCK!

  • The Braggers: Like the Sore Winners. These players brag about winning, giving speeches to stroke their own egos.

  • The Attendance Killers: Players who cause others not to attend because of their negative behavior.

  • The Disengaged: People who don’t pay attention during the rules explanation and then have more questions every time they are up

  • The Helper: People helping other players of equal skill levels in competitive games, turning it into a game against the whole table

  • The Rule Interrupters: Players who interrupt rules explanations with specific exceptions before the basics are even covered

  • The Patience Testers: People who aren’t patient during the explanation of medium-heavy games, walking away before the game even starts

  • The Turn-Time Wasters: Players who don’t start thinking about their turn until it’s their turn, akin to holding up a fast-food line

  • The Non-Engagers: People who refuse to engage with the game on its terms, like not negotiating in negotiation-based games or playing bluffing games without looking at their cards

  • The Too-Nice Players: Players who play too nicely, avoiding optimal moves to avoid being mean, especially in family settings

  • The Last-Minute Cancelers: People who cancel at the last minute, disrupting plans and setups

  • The Solo Rulebook Readers: Players who read the rulebook to the group instead of learning the game beforehand, wasting everyone's time

  • The Clumsy Drinkers: Players who place their drinks precariously close to the game area, causing anxiety and potential spills

  • The Game Dictators: Players who insist on playing only specific games or refuse to play certain ones, disrupting the group’s decision-making process

  • The Constant Questioners: Players who ask multiple questions during the rules explanation or during others’ turns, causing distractions and delays

  • The Coalition Creators: Players who optimize other players’ turns, effectively creating alliances and diminishing the competitive spirit

  • The Excluders: Players who refuse to make room for new players during open game nights, leaving newcomers feeling unwelcome

  • The Game Bashers: Players who complain about a game being “broken” when things don’t go their way

  • The Game Abandoners: Players who decide to end a game prematurely, claiming it’s a “foregone conclusion,” even when it’s not

  • The Social Disrupters: People not playing the game who start side conversations with those who are, causing interruptions and distractions

  • The Over-Capacity Conundrum: Groups that insist on including everyone in a single game, even when the player count exceeds the game’s optimal number

  • The Smelly Gamers: Players who neglect personal hygiene, especially in close quarters during the summer, causing discomfort for others. Smokers sitting too close can also be a problem

  • The Rulebook Over-Reliers: Players who insist on checking the rulebook for answers when the information has already been correctly provided

  • The Horrible Time Managers: Players who consistently arrive late to game nights, causing delays and disruptions

  • The Eternal Future Planners: Players who talk about future game nights or events but are unreliable in the present.

What game night pet peeves did we miss? Have you experienced all of these? I have not, thankfully! Another pet peeve is the one that never knows when their turn is, but I feel like it happens to everyone 🙈

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