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Dominion: A Strategic Gem in a Bland Box

Why You Shouldn't Judge a Game by Its Cover

Dominion Board Game

Dominion isn't winning any beauty contests at first glance. The box is...a box, and the art is...unique. It's not bad, per se, but it might have you wondering for a second if you accidentally grabbed a pack of Magic: The Gathering cards instead. The art kind of grows on you, especially once you see how well it reflects the card's function. But here's the thing: looks can be incredibly deceiving, especially in the world of board games. Dominion might not catch your eye, but this game is a strategic powerhouse. This was the first deck-building game I ever played.

From Deck-Building Newbie to Fanatic

I stumbled upon Dominion at my local game store—a used copy with two expansions. Deck-building was a new concept for me, but the easy-to-learn rules and deep strategy had our entire friend group hooked after just one game. We fumbled at first, unsure of the best path to victory. Why do you only get one action, one buy, and one card? Whoa, what is this card that gives me an extra buy? With each game, it clicked. We started crafting killer combos, building our own money-making machines. My only issue: I never quite know how to trash cards, but that's a story for another day.

Simple Rules, Deep Strategy

Dominion's beauty lies in its deceptively simple rules. Forget complex resource systems. You have a core set of actions: buy a card, play a treasure for money, or unleash an action card's effect. This streamlined system makes Dominion easy to teach and a perfect gateway game for new players (as long as the Witch doesn't come out in the first game).

The Power of Extra Actions and Buys

Here's where things get exciting. Dominion throws in cards that let you bend the rules a bit. These "action cards" are the real game-changers. Want to draw more cards and see more options? Grab a card that lets you do just that! Need a quick cash infusion to snag that powerful card? Play a treasure that gives you extra buying power. The key to victory lies in strategically using these cards to create an unstoppable engine. The secret sauce is figuring out how to draw a ton of cards to generate massive wealth, and then use that wealth to purchase powerful cards that let you draw even more cards, generate even more wealth, buy multiple cards in a single turn, and ultimately acquire the most Provinces to win.


Have you tried this beauty? If not, next time you're browsing the game store shelves, don't be fooled by the box. Dominion might not be the prettiest game on the shelf, but the gameplay? That's pure, strategic gold.

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