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Carcassonne: The Gateway Drug to My Board Game Obsession

carcassonne at two players

Carcassonne is a game of medieval landscapes, cunning tile placement, and a healthy dose of friendly competition. For me, Carcassonne wasn't just a game; it was the gateway drug that lured me into the wonderful world of modern board games.

Before Carcassonne, my board game experience was limited to classics like Rummikub and Dominoes. High school brought on the usual party games and countless rounds of card games ranging from Uno to Five Crowns. College even saw me dabble in Catan, a game I still enjoy from time to time. But none of these games quite captured my imagination the way Carcassonne did.

What makes Carcassonne special? Perhaps it's the familiar tile-laying mechanic that feels intuitive yet offers surprising strategic depth. Maybe it's the way the game scales seamlessly from a quick two-player duel to a lively group competition. Maybe it's the strategy behind placing each meeple. Or maybe it's the sheer satisfaction of watching a medieval world unfold piece by piece, tile by tile. My Carcassonne journey began with a resounding defeat. The game's simplicity was deceptive, and I was quickly schooled when scoring brought out the farmers. I had no idea about the farmers! Yes, it was explained, but my brain did not capture that little detail. Instead of feeling discouraged, I craved another shot. And another. That initial defeat sparked a passion for Carcassonne that continues to this day.

Unable to get enough in-person games, and not wanting to make every play a super defeat, I discovered Board Game Arena (BGA), a digital platform that allowed me to play Carcassonne online to my heart's content. Countless virtual matches later, the love for the game remained strong.

Carcassonne's versatility is another reason for its enduring appeal. My wife and I, for instance, have a house rule where we don't play with farmers. They add a layer of cutthroat competition that disrupts our preferred play style. We've also tweaked the tile-drawing mechanic, opting to draw three tiles each to speed up the game (thank you BGA for teaching me that variant). These small adjustments personalize the experience, making Carcassonne feel like "our game."

I am the kind of gamer that can play the same game over and over again. My wife is not. After we logged 100 plays in early 2022 -- my wife hit a wall. We had to take a break, so when I saw the co-op Carcassonne: Over the Mist, I was sold. This expansion and standalone game offered the perfect solution – a no-farmer and collaborative experience. If you get any expansion or want to try the game, I would even recommend starting with this version. We're currently stuck on the last level. We've tried it at every count, which only adds to the game's addictive qualities, and I am here for it! Some of our board game group is super competitive, so we play Over the Mist tiles privately. That way, we prevent quarterbacking.

What was the game that got you hooked on board games?

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